You'll love this engaging math software!
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Take a guided tour of Planet T
A review of Planet Turtle, the first serious instructional system to use the same kind of technology that keeps children glued to their video games.
We will demonstrate the Planet Turtle world - where students choose HOW they want to practice - and the simple and powerful teacher tools to direct and track WHAT they practice.
Students develop mathematical fluency in a fun and engaging environment.
Planet Turtle individualizes content for each student as they play, using advanced algorithms to promote students from one topic to the next as their learning progresses. Learning improves as the system continually reacts to their performance and provides additional exposure and review on necessary topics. Since the questions are interchangeable in activities, Planet Turtle serves up appropriate content while still letting students pick their favorite games!

Teachers can set up Planet Turtle to match their classroom program.
Working behind the scenes in this virtual world, teachers can direct the math topics based on the needs of their class. They have access to detailed reports, both on individuals and the whole class, and they can search for and assign specific math topics. Planet Turtle then integrates the math content according to their directives. This unique feature of Planet Turtle enables the teacher to direct student learning, leaving game choice up to the student!
Planet Turtle includes pre-programmed correlations to math programs like Everyday Mathematics, Math Connects, and other leading programs. Teachers will also find correlations to national math conventions.
Students stay involved with learning through a contemporary gaming experience they enjoy.
The virtual world of Planet Turtle uses the latest massively-multiplayer technology to create a rich learning environment. As students play and explore, they are rewarded with new features and an ever-expanding world. Game types range from strategy-based to racing the clock, and new games become available as rewards for learning success! This immersive experience has the power to engage students in practicing skills far more intensively than any printed program.